domingo, 8 de março de 2009


Multiculturalism, also known as cultural diversity, happens when people from different cultures interact with each other.
Due to immigration, the existence of more than just one specific culture or an ethnic group in certain places is possible. However, sometimes it can lead to discrimination for many different reasons.
In the presence of distinct cultures, people can assume different policies, such as ethnocentrism, cultural relativism and interculturalism.
Ethnocentrism includes people who see other cultures based on their own culture. These people usually develop a negative behaviour towards other cultures, in order to preserve theirs. Xenophobia, racism and chauvinism are common beliefs/attitudes among ethnocentrism supporters.
Relativism refers to people who believe someone’s actions should be judged according to their culture, since what’s right or wrong depends on each culture.
On the other hand, interculturalism is a policy that respects other cultures. It promotes the dialogue in order to understand the complexity and commonalities between different cultures and to collaborate on finding solutions for world-related issues.
Since we can’t say that a certain culture is totally developed, dialogue can be used as a way of development multiple cultures at the same time.
Interculturalism intends to teach people how to live among different costumes and traditions, respecting each other.

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